Thursday, 12 August 2010

A Child of God

Creator of the World,
He named the stars one by one;
He sits enthroned above the earth;
Yet He stooped to save,
And I catch my breath, amazed –
Can I really be a child of God?

A child of God in His Kingdom?
A child of God – can it be true?
How great the love the Father lavished on us
That we should be called children of God.

Dead in my transgressions,
Without hope in the world,
Living as an enemy of God;
Now I’m saved by grace
And I catch my breath, amazed –
Can I really be a child of God?

Now we’re heirs of God,
Raised and seated in Christ,
The riches of His grace still to come;
And every single day
I still catch my breath, amazed –
Can I really be a child of God?


  1. "I still catch my breath, amazed -
    Can I really be a child of God?"

    By grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, I am!!!

    And, I still catch my breath...


  2. Thanks for the encouragement Petra! And how true, it is all in those Solas isn't it? And all for the glory of God alone.
    Bless you.

  3. While waiting on the LORD, I have grown weary from season to season, with this worlds conditions and limitations towards love, understanding, and compassion for the lessons taught by Jesus Christ. Then like a cool breeze on a hot summer day, grace and truth show its face, and the way: Love one another as I have loved you and being a wittness is all your ask to be. God Loves you, labor to enter His rest and live.
